2025 Final Story of Far East by Blogger
Presented by hirotsugu nishina
新型コロナウイルスの感染者が全世界で一億五千万人を超え、死亡者も三百万人に達した。インドでは変異種のウイルスが蔓延し一日だけでの新規感染者が四十万人を超え、ワクチン接種が他の国より進んでいるのにもかかわらず感染爆発が続いている。2021年も五月に入り、日本では中途半端なコロナ対策が医療崩壊と政権への不信を生み、東京五輪でのIOCへの忖度から、緊急事態宣言の期間を短くし、そのツケがどんなに悲惨な状況を生んでも誰も責任を取ろうとしない国体は、戦前の大本営の立ち位置とほとんど変わっていない。検疫での対応が生温いことに加えて、国産ワクチン開発を怠っている現状では我々国民は座して死を待つしか無いのだろうか。年長者だからとって優先的にワクチン接種を受けられる保証もないまま、若者優先にワクチンを打つべしと言う議論もある。人命優先を考える場合、終活に勤しむ人々よりも将来国を背負っていく若者を優先した方が良いという世論が当たり前にならないとも限らない。このままワクチン政策が膠着していけば、死にゆく人々よりこれから生きて行かなければならない人を優先にしていく機運は止められなくなるかも知れない。はっきり言ってきれい事ばかり言ってはいられない。まさに世代間のサバイバル&クライシスだ。「2300年」というSF映画では30歳を超えると寿命を全うしなければいけないというストーリーから、今の地球の人口過多の調整役をウイルスが果たしているとは考えたくもないが、コロナウイルスが生き延びるためには人類の存在が目障りになっているかもしれないという妙な夢想を呼んでいる。コロナウイルスには果たして知的思考能力や防衛本能はあるのだろうか。ワクチンが開発されればされるほど変異種としての活動を活発化させるのは何故なのか。もはやIOCをGHQに疑似化しJOCや日本政府を大本営と置き換えても誰も異を唱える人はいないだろう。行政府の機関が内閣人事法制で機能していないのは問題だ。各省庁の業務を民間に委託しその影響が悪く出ているし、持続給付金の業務委託企業が不透明だとか、GO TOキャンペーンの業務委託先が民間大手の広告会社に多額の公金が使われているという不条理感があっても、誰も責任を取ろうとしない。安倍元総理が2020東京五輪招致で汚染水のアンダーコントロール宣言が嘘でも招致が叶えば、その公言の責任を取ろうとはしない。福島第一原発のトリチウムの海洋放流はそのときから計画的な戦略だったことがわかる。海外からの放流批判はごもっともであると言える。故ZAHA女史発案の新国立競技場は日本のレガシーになるはずだった。それが、日本のゼネコン利権の被害に遭い、押しつぶされてしまった。東京五輪の是非はもはや言わなくても分かっているという世論が大方を占めている。五輪の主催者はIOCだが開催責任国は日本である。リーダーがいない日本というのは実に残念だ。緊急臨時政府でも作らない限りこの先日本は持たない。日本人の身の置き所がなくなりつつあるのは誠に憂国と言うのにふさわしい。五輪などに命をかける政治家の動きがあればあるほど、その光景が強く映ってくるのは私だけだろうか。
The time of the global leader absence.
They seem to be having trouble in the Government party to find advantage by the House of Councillors reelection in 2019 by the Japanese political world. Dismissal of the House of Representatives is also simultaneous, if, there is also advertisement I say, but in short political power will be said to be whether the guarantee which maintains the stable number of seats is obtained the second, Abe. It's said that they carry consumption tax tax increase in October out, but these presence in tax increase Encho and cabinet support rate will be a point of dismissal of personal circumstances. When an Upper House election steps on the survey result functioning profitably and does the House of Representatives dismissal by an original investigation of LDP, it's predicted that the number of seats of 2/3 decreases, and it's said that they don't do the Upper and Lower Houses election on the same day for the moment, and they seem to be adjusting it, but seat decrease of the Government party is a problem in time, and the point of view that the way where an election on the same day isn't done seems to operate on an opposition party profitably is rather too superficial slightly.The Government party side doesn't also seem to notice a national opinion taking the view skeptical about official residence-led politics. It's the personal point of view, but a conclusion will be described first. I'm reporting an election on the same day not to be probably performed by media by the side line, but I think surprise dismissal may be planned at an official residence. When only the House of Councilors wins by an original investigation of 1) LDP, the basis is planned, but when a lid won't be lifted, it's said that there is a misgiving which can be called nothing. 2) business trends are a descent touch and that the prospects of global economy are also bleak. 3) I do but enter a consumption tax as scheduled, but there is also extended theory fairly.20,000,000 yen of 4) is lack of a pension, the Minister of Finance receives and refuses a problem and a formal report of the Financial Services Agency, and the concealment constitution of the pension financing becomes evident, and when carrying an election on the same day of House of Councilors and House of Representatives out while there is cabinet support rate, even if there is depression after consumption tax tax increase, political power maintenance in 4 can be kept. 5) when a seat of the majority can be kept even if a seat is reduced by the Upper and Lower Houses, more Prime Minister Abe's tenure of office develops. When doing that, it's said that the Prime Minister president separation theory may be achieved. Is the Government party that the act that Prime Minister Abe enjoys 1:00 with an entertainer at an official residence during budget one meeting deliberation refusal is permitted? The Government party side comes out in the view eager in a fire extinguisher funnily in the country. Is it reasonable that Asabu Minister of Finance refuses 20,000,000 yen of insufficient report? That's no.Is it because it's big and influential when the inconvenient truth is brought to light with the Upper House election at the front? A pension disappearance problem 12 years before isn't convergent yet. A pension problem is a problem of life and death for a voter, and it can't help be nervously. Dismissal is the fact that a prime minister gets the one as a matter of the exclusive right for the people and is troubled, but it's to be decided already by a constitution, so this can't change it. A prime minister seems able to draw out cabinet decision of dismissal. Even if a consumption tax rises, reduced rate of a major newspaper is applied. A newspaper is a large stockholder in a TV station. A surmise to an official residence also influences the future of the election. 20,000,000 yen raise problem and the recommendation of an investment of a old age household are extreme too selfishly. 20,000,000 yen of unprecedented conduct to which I say a formal report of the Financial Services Agency when Asabu Minister of Finance refused a receipt, was something to add fuel to the fire in a contribution problem. The idea that I worried about influence to election and became like a child who would like to have no these talk is no longer in common use in an opinion. Abe, under area to the opposition party a ministry also suffers a crushing defeat of an Upper House election because of a pension problem the first, and which is after that, it's obliged.History is in the destiny repeated certainly. It's said that that there is a twist of the Upper and Lower Houses is also enthusiastic about mutual argument. The Diet member's another name is a speaker, and not supposed to be Mr. sophistry. The future of the pension of 20,000,000 people still seems unsolved because of a pension problem in 2004. Anger of independents, the weak and a housewife layer reaches a climax. If the voting rate is half at time of this patriotism, even if a nonvoter is treated as a traitor, the manner wouldn't be here. It's the severe way of speaking, but I think the person who has no interest in election should return the Japanese nationality. The kidnapping of Northern Territories and a problem of a pension and a nuclear accident seem to be retreating one after another. G20 is performed in Osaka soon, but it's thought that a gentle barrel outcome can't be expected. They don't seem to express anxiety to a protection principle.Because there is Abe political power in American subordinate circumstances. Because I'd have to save a face of a president of cards as Prime Minister Abe, the agency role of Iran USA in such will be something difficult of course. It's natural, but a Japanese leader has to oppose himself to USA and continue the petroleum dealings with Iran. Such neutral act is also the ideal chance which indicates a Japanese identity. G20 in Osaka is the level which is only a meeting at the just meeting. The summit for temporary use isn't useful at all. Media are being incited with China-U.S. trade war and power quarrel, but do they seem to kill? Mr. Kissinger of a party in the parent is in the leaving location like the guardian for a president of Trump. It's a personal opinion, but the one which is being seen from there says clearly, and is Japanese removal. Official Japan and U.S. is in the honeymoon state, but it would be better to doubt.Mr. Abe's grandfather was the figure of the mainstay by the Imperial Rule Assistance Association. Because the grandchild takes charge of a Prime Minister, circumference each country assumes a posture of struggle. The starting point of the opponent posture to Japan of Korean president and Mr. Kim Joun is there. It'll be natural to say that raising of abduction issue would go to the direction of the true reverse. The Pacific Ocean of Zhou En-lai and Kissinger still formulates the plan divided in two at USA and China, and doesn't go off. I can think what also does trade deficit cancellation no good for a tariff and Hart way argument. USA establishes an American bond financial capital system, and how much doesn't the situation economy is also tanned by the deficit and that an own country gains weight and does change? USA declined the leader part of the world, so China is the reason for which it's natural to rise.But the People's Liberation Army will wield party dictatorship and the Communists's flag, and are a pressure army of the people, and the limit of the politics which ignored human rights isn't avoided. Daito empire seems to be reference for the idea by which whole is directly, but the second leader like Sun Wen appears, and there is a possibility that democratization accelerates. I say that the data under Akita was wrong in installation area selection of Aegis ASHOA, the thing done using Google earth, it itself was a problem. Why didn't a defense Ministry do realistic measurement? The one making fragility of Japan where I don't have a domestic product operating system yet exposed. If Japan of an American flattery only way is just as it is, there is danger which remains unknown from the world. When I'm not Mr. Abe, the point of view which isn't fit to a prime minister is already old. I'd like to expect it of a new Japanese leader appearance beyond a party.
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